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We live in a “Netflix and chill” society.


If you’re not familiar with this term, it’s code for going to your “bae’s” house for a “hook-up” while having Netflix play in the background. And with apps like Tinder and Score, it makes it even easier. All you have to do is swipe right.


But once the credits start rolling or once you close the Tinder app, then what? Is that it? Just move on to the next person? That can’t be it, right? The whole point of relationships are to be in, well, relationships.

I was 16 years old and found myself in my room packing the final boxes for a move I didn’t want to make. My parents were divorcing. My dad decided he wanted a new life, one that didn’t include my siblings, my mom, or me.


As we moved into a much smaller house, we unpacked most of those boxes, but there was one I refused to unpack.

I'm David Martin and this is my #secondstory.


Do you have a story like the one in the picture? A story that no longer defines you by what you were or what you’ve done, but by who you are and what you’ve become?


The truth is, whether you’re a rock star, outcast, pro-athlete, doctor, war hero, call girl, misfit or celebrity, everyone has a story that’s being written.

The amazing thing I discovered in the trash

It’s not that I have a habit of rooting around in garbage cans looking for used toothbrushes or half-eaten sandwiches. Rather, ever since I was a kid, I’ve had the ability to discover amazing things others would call “trash.”

“I’m biblically illiterate. And I don’t have a heart for students. I smoke cigars, have tattoos, like wine and I can have a dirty mouth on occasion.” Those words left my mouth to land in the ears of a Southern Baptist senior pastor during the course of my first interview for the youth pastor opening at his church.

Ever heard the term “ride or die”?


If you’re not familiar with it, ride or die is a level of friendship where a person is committed to having your back and is with you through thick and thin. They are the ones who still love you at your worst and cheer you on at your best. These friends also have no problem letting you know when you have something stuck in your teeth.

“I can’t believe I just said that.”


Have you ever said something and immediately wished you could’ve “unsaid” it? We’ve all been there. Sometimes our “self-editor” takes a day off when we need it the most. But when you think about it, it’s actually surprising it doesn’t happen more. Why? Well, the odds.

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